How many cups do you need?

It’s a cool, foggy morning in November here, the air is moist, and the sun is trying to peek through. What better way to start the day than to open all of the shop doors and wrap your hands around that warm mug of coffee.
Our shop isn’t close to a Peet’s, Starbucks, or Tim Horton’s coffee shop, so we bear the responsibility of making our own coffee every day. With 8 coffee drinkers in the shop daily, that makes for quite a bit of coffee.
When we were smaller, we depended on a single serve Kuerig, and tempers flared as everyone had to wait their turn each day. Granted, there were a number of actual coffee flavor options, but half the morning was spent waiting on your coffee. And then it was lunch time. The business needed a solution.
So for production’s sake, we had to upgrade the coffee game and find something that could supply that daily mental fuel. After spending what seemed like days researching cold brew machines, instant machines, just buying everyone their own Keurig (seriously), or saying “bring your own coffee,”, we settled on a twin burner Bunn coffee machine - an industrial strength motivation creator.
The Bunn is always hot and can make an entire pot of coffee in 3 minutes. So needless to say, the first 10 minutes of the day is spent making a couple pots of coffee pronto, almost effortlessly.
“What do you all use for your coffee?”
The majority of the time we source pre-ground Tim Horton’s coffee. We’ve been through a number of other brands including Maxwell House, Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Folgers (yeah yeah, I know), Chock Full of Nuts, and many others, the Horton’s coffee has been the most popular.
Also of note: since it’s coming up to December, the peppermint mocha creamer will be in full supply here. The rest of the year mostly just has black coffee making for very low maintenance drinkers.